Digital@Sea Initiative Webpage Usage Satisfaction Research

Thank you for your participation in satisfaction Research. The administrative control team of Digital@Sea Initiative conducts the following survey to grasp the satisfaction of the webpage and to collect the improvements for further development. We would like to ask for your interest and active participation.
In addition, the submitted questionnaire will be used only as reference material for simple statistics collection related to the results of the usage of the webpage and future webpage improvement following article 33 of the Statistical Law in Korea.

  • Please fill in the form below. (Those marked with * should be necessarily filled in.)

1. What is your age range? *
2. What is your gender? *
3. What is your work area? *
4. Have you ever used this webpage before? *
5. How many time do you use this webpage in a month? *
6. How did you get information for using this webpage? (Multiple selections possible) *
7. How satisfied are you with the overall service? *
8. How are you satisfied about the updating cycle of the data in this webpage? *
9. How satisfied are you with search function in this webpage? *
10. How satisfied are you with accessing speed on this webpage? *
11. How satisfied are you with overall design of this webpae? *
12. How satisfied are you with the formation of menu? *
13. What was the most used menu? (Multiple selection possible) *
14. What was the most satusfying part of the webpage? *
15. Please give us an overall assessment of this webpage. *
16. Are you willing to re-visit or reccomend the webpage to other people? *
17. Please give your opinions for the improvement of the webpage. *

Thank you for participation.